Edward: “I am deeply aligned with the mission of Meridian University, bringing transformative learning and cultural leadership capacities to professionals from a variety of disciplines.”

Meridian University has been an integral part of my life since 1997 when I became a student studying psychology. Due to a myriad of positive effects from my education there, I have stayed enthusiastically involved. When I started at Meridian, I was interested in learning more about psychology and myself as well as broadening my career path. At that point I was a veterinarian that was dealing with a degree of burnout, which I blamed on the stresses and strains of that career and practice ownership. Through the transformative nature of the education at Meridian, I became aware that it wasn’t that career or the stress, it was my relationship to those things that were  problematic. Currently, I am a licensed clinical psychologist, and I am still a practicing veterinarian part time and I love both careers. I thank Meridian University, its faculty and education for that!

The experience at Meridian has made me a broader and deeper individual. I am more able to see my role in my experiences, to be more fully present and usually be able to move forward with the best right action for all concerned. The transformative learning at Meridian encourages students to psychologically be aware of multiple levels of experience. Students are taught to attend to the personal, cultural, and archetypal patterns common to all humans. This broad and complex focus is essential for my work with psychotherapy clients as well every relationship I have. The education at Meridian has furthered my love of learning about psychology but also about the human condition and myself. Not a day goes by where I don’t deepen the understanding of those I interact with, love, and even my own psyche.

I also am deeply aligned with the mission of Meridian University, bringing transformative learning and cultural leadership capacities to professionals from a variety of disciplines, education, business, and psychology by furthering the evolution of consciousness in their students. This is done at the most basic level by building the core capacities of transformative learning, including being able to see things from multiple perspectives, empathy, and collaboration. The university is focusing on inclusion and diversity and striving to bring its form of transformative learning to more people internationally.

The current challenges that human beings face individually, socially, culturally, environmentally, and politically desperately need what Meridian brings to the present times through its teaching and cultural leadership. With deep gratitude to the University, its faculty and leadership team, I can heartily recommend pursuing learning from Meridian University for anyone called by their mission through its formal academic degree curriculum or its public programs. Seeing transformation for the better in myself, hundreds of students, and the University itself over the years, grounds me in the hope for a better future for all of us. The world simply needs what Meridian University and institutions like it can bring at this critical point in time.

Edward A. Biery, DVM, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine


Raphael: “I was surrounded by a cohort and staff that both appreciated what I brought to the table, but also encouraged me to grow.”